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Wise One, The Mackay Project, Live at the Jazz Station, Eugene Oregon

Bobby Hutcherson has been a huge influence on my playing. His interpetation of Wise One is soooo deep.. this is my version of the tune done this last weekend in eugene oregon. first time i had ever played this tune beyond my house and the first time i played this tune with this crew up in eugene oregon.

TOTM - The Art of Solo Vibes - Fotografia - Jobim (etude) by Dimitris Angelakis

To practise this tune I inspired from Rusty where he uploaded a wonderfull version of this tune and I thought a cool idea to practise it in terms of solo vibes using chords and lines together. I also recorded a midi bass to help me get the groove. The additional track is just comping a band I found at the internet :)


Mini Concert 1.2 by Tony Miceli - The Official First VW Mini Concert

I've thinking about the idea of mini concerts. Let me explain.

This month alone I've recorded over 2 gigs of.... me! This is how I practice. Sometimes I post some of these tracks on the site, hoping others will do the same. And they do!!

So I had the idea recently of recording 3 tunes at a time and going from one to the other. See how certain tunes felt together, Practice concentrating and playing several tunes at the same time.

Fun Dampening Exercise by Behn Gillece

Chinese translation for Chinese students.


Behn 打的是這些和弦進行:

演奏Fmajor7的和聲配置: F-C-E-A
然後Fmajor7 要變成 F minor 7 再接到 Bb7 (ii-v)
最後解決到 Eb major 7 ( i )

再來把Eb major7 變成 Ebm 在接到 Ab7 (ii-v)
最後解決到一級 Db ( i )


打完F major 7後,用右手同時止掉兩個音,分別是3, 7音,也就是E 和 A 音。
這時候的左手也不能閒下來,右手止音同時左手敲擊Fminor7的3, 7音也就是Eb 和Ab 音。

這時候檢查所有還在響的音有F C D Ab

A Gift From james Armstrong

Believe it or not, I wrote a percussion piece and and playing it up at Millersville University where James Armstrong teaches. He's a great percussionist and a great friend. He really helped me get the piece in shape!

Anyway!!!!! He gave this book of Hymns and Christmas tunes for any of you Catholics or Christians out there!

Would love to get some jewish songs or Kwanza or whatever else you might have!

The book is attached!

The power of vibe's sound

Something special happened during the gig I just did tonight in a restaurant.
The place was half-full - about 25 people. I was playing alone, with play-along-home-recorded CDs, split guitar and vibes.
At the middle of the gig I decided to try a new set on vibes, with a lot of the TOTMs and others tunes worked here on the site : Stella, Have You met Miss Jones, All the things, Anthroplogy, Billie's bounce, If I were a bell, Blue Bossa, Bluesette, Soul eyes, SomedayMPWC etc... I was playing most of them live for the first time, then I was a bit nervous...