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Astrud - Dimitris Angelakis & the Delaware Steel band (tour in Greece)


So, Harvey was in Greece for a week to participate to 2012 ISME conference Thessaloniki before the workshop and we had great time. The delaware steel is really amazing. I remember when we were going to rehearse and I started to set up the vibes to play with them I just stopped and listen to them. It was awesome!!! Never heard a band like this before. I would like to thanks Harvey Price for giving me the opportunity to play with this great band. Below is the tune Astrud we played on the national conservatory of Thessaloniki (Greece) and it was a part of a workshop concert.

Cherry Juice?

The big band I play in has a very predictable director who essentially rotates tunes on a 3 year cycle. This year Cherry Juice (Thad Jones) is going to be played and Ii was looking to get a jump on the tune. Does anyone know where I could get access to the piano part or the score? Thanks for any help.

Good Vibes radio September update


Hi All,
Coming up in September's Good Vibes, west coast vibist Charlie Shoemake debuts with a cut from his CD Inside with a tribute to Victor Feldman, "Azul Serape." Here's the rest of the line-up:
Gary, David, Mike, Eddie, Terry, Milt, Bobby, Bill, Victor, Justin, Tito, Arthur, Behn, Stefon, Bryan, Hendrik, Johnny, Tyler, Joe and Randy. I don't have time to write all the last names; maybe one of you can do that for me.

Choosing a Vibe Bar Tuner

Greetings everyone,
I'm thinking of having some vibe bars tuned down to A=440. Both Gilberto from Century Mallet in Chicago and Bill from Fall Creek Marimbas in NY seem to have excellent reputations.

Clearly a lot of folks have sent their bars to Gilberto over the years. I'm aware of his professional history. Any folks on the vibesworkshop forum send their vibe bars to Bill? Your experiences?

