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TOTM - The Art of Solo Vibes - Midterm Exam

OK, for subscribers to the site. Here is your midterm exam. And if you do it, you get a gift. You get my new CD, absolutely free. It features all tunes from the 60's and 70's and features Paul Jost on vocals.

Here are the rules, READ THEM CAREFULLY, pretty please.

1. You have to perform a solo version of a tune. Any tune. I don't care if you're a beginer or advanced.

Beast's Last Dance (goodbye to an old friend) by Corey Mwamba

Corey is a member here, though he has a slightly different approach on vibes and on music than most of us. I think he's a great vibes player and person, with a true passion for the instrument like all of us.

He recently decided to sell his old Premier and made a little video of the last moment spent with his "old friend". Oh man I got totally caught and truly moved by those 2 little mn. He allowed me to share them with you.

We are all different... but we all have to say goodbye one day... Hope you receive Corey's message too... Enjoy.

Staying Loose

Greetings everyone,
I've recently been enjoying working on exercises in "Velocity Warm-Ups: 92 Improvisional Patterns for Jazz Vibraphone and Marimba" by Charles Dowd. Some great ideas for practicing scales, arpeggios, modes... ects.

I find that my muscles tend to tighten and cramp up while doing some of the above extended exercises. Any suggestions for how to stay loose and relaxed?



Lamenting my old m48

man sometime you just lament about selling any instrument ... years ago i bought my first vibraphone which was in 1987. a new musser m 48 .. serial number was 153.. wow .. when i was on tour with 3 leg torso out of portland in 2004 the bar were stolen. we contacted musser at the time and they could no replace or allow me order a set of bars for that instrument. so we sold the frame and shortly after i moved from portland and took time off from the industry ..