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Blues from Lionel Hampton

I've pulled this 1988 CD out of the stacks in honor of this month's TOTM. It's a mix of standards and blues. Very nice listening! It has Hamp's version of "Someday My Prince Will Come", the TOTM we worked on in July. And best of all, there are about 33 copies available on Amazon, many being sold for as low as 35 cents plus postage. That's a deal and a steal!

Forum Topic: Vibes Album Covers

Hi Vibes Lovers!

Sometimes when I'm looking for vibes albums I find that, altough the instrument is not very popular, or perhaps because of it, the vibraphone has especial atractive for the cover image. Bars, mallets, ressonators, frame, etc. are often protagonists of the picture, or ilustration. Sometimes is very artistic point of view, sometimes funny and sometimes just freak, but, even tough the important is the music wich is inside, I find amazing some covers!

Forum Topic: Vibes Player Wanted, Wisconsin USA

Hope this is the appropriate place to post. I'm looking for a vibes player to add to a small jazz ensemble in northern Wisconsin. Probably from Stevens Point or north of there. I'm based in Vilas county but most gigs are from Wausau and north. Please contact me with any leads through my e-mail address . Thanks very much.

Saturn's child by Joe Locke

Here a beautiful ballad played with a marvellous group behind him. If you go on YouTube with that video there is the whole concert (all the tunes are of an incredible level). Quality sound and video, the guitar player is a blast too, and we can see and hear wery well how Joe is comping. A lot of inspiration and emotion. The video shows very well how they deal with a modern jazz sound, with effects, good PA etc...
Enjoy !