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Alleen by Joe Doubleday

This is a tune I wrote for my harmony class project. Let me know what you guys think. I think one of these days I'll be able to get a trio in my apartment and maybe join in on the vibe hang. I have some pretty decent Rode NT5's that I used to record this that I think would work fine for live stream.

Joe Doubleday- Vibes
Max Moran- Bass
Miles Nasta- Drums

Up Jumped Spring - Practice tape by Tony Miceli

So I find that dealing with concentration is a major factor in my practicing. How do I stay focused when I play, that's been my topic lately in my mind. HAHAHA that is while I'm playing!!

I'm finding that singing or playing drums vocally tend to really help and so I realize I'm making more noise when I play. More than usual. And I'm seeing other older musicians do some of this and am figuring that many of us face the same problem.… I'm usually not alone with my problems even though I think they're usually catastrophic and all about me!!

Hal Garper Master Class

Todd posted this on Facebook and I thought it was pretty interesting. I think that the basic premise of you play what you hear is so true that it's close to a "duh!", but putting it into practice can be difficult.

When I play, I often feel like I'm three different people simultaneously competing for dominance. There's a panicked animal that's just trying to keep his place and not screw up. There's this analytical guy saying, "OK, V7 coming up, diminished or altered scale?". And then there's this touchy-feely guy who's trying to guide the whole thing and make art.

Bluesette in 5/4 by Tarik Dosdogru

here is my final version of bluesette in 5/4. beside tonys lessons i think it was great challenge to do it in 5/4. it´s now so easy doing it in 3 :)
it´s still hard to get away from that take 5 rhythm while comping and play solo simultanous and to play free in 5/4 i need a lot more work on it but i´m almost satisfied with my improvement here
