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Holyhell937 Etude

It's funny who you meet online! I met a person on youtube (Holyhell937)(Does this mean there are another 936 people who have used Holyhell as their youtube name???). He seems to be in high school, or junior high. I dug our brief dialogue online on the youtube page. He ended by saying, 'Hey why don't you write a piece for me to play in school'. I told him to subscribe to the site that there are plenty of pieces there to play!

Then on the way home from my dad's I listened to this:
(Barryk - Is that a Theramin in this piece!)

Four In One Etude

Ok here's the etude. It should be in good shape. But here's what happened. I came home from a gig and started reading Arthur C. Clarke's 'Rendezvous' and couldn't stop until i finished the book. I really tried!!

Then I ran down to my studio and cranked this out. I added a solo section for you to check out also. I'll add the midi file. Remember it sounds bad (the midi file) but might serve as a good reference.

I put the chords in for the head, and then left them out for the solo section. You should play each bar, write the chords in and study it that way.

TOTM - The Art of Solo Vibes - QDV-SOC On Solo Playing - Pt. 1

QDV = Quick and Dirty Video
SOC = Stream of Conciousness

That's exactly what this vid is. I don't have my equipment at my house at the time of this video. So I just threw up an overhead cam and mic.

Is this helpful to anyone? I got more of them. I was just picking tunes and playing and talk about solo playing.

Let me know what you think.