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Blues Practice Exercise with Gary and Chick

i found a cool and fun thing to do which is a good lesson i think. on this video at about 4 minutes chick plays some blues licks which gary instantly repeats together with the audience singing. the blues is in Bb flat and he uses mostly the Bb blues scale on his licks. can you play all the phrases like gary on the fly just by hearing the once you heard them?

i tried and it was not easy and i failed on most of them when i tried the first time. to me it prooves i still can´t play what i can sing. singing like the audience is no problem for every of us i think :)

A Warne Marsh Lesson -V

Are you guys familiar with Lenny Tristano? He's the head of this whole subculture in music. A really interesting bop player. A monster! His lines were incredible.

He's a guy worth checking out although there's not a ton out by him.

A few guys were in that 'school' of thought and one was Warne Marsh. Here's a Warne Marsh excercise.

History of Mallet Instruments, Part One - Tuned Wooden Instruments

This article will delve into the family of mallet instruments made of tuned wooden bars, and will take a look at three locations where these instruments are prevalent - North America (jazz and classical), Africa (Shona music), and Central America (Guatamalan folk music). This is not meant to be an exaustive list, but will serve to highlight the vastly different music that has evolved in these places, and the fascinating variety of instruments that have been designed to play the music.