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A Green Etude

Don't use the pedal if you don't want to. This is just an exercise in some alternate 4 mallet sticking. Not single lines, but 2 note voicings.

I was messing around with these ideas this morning. I banged this puppy out before heading out to class. I'll double check it later.

Your job is to figure out what standard it is based on, analyze the voicings and play it.

You can name the tune here. It should be obvious!!!!

I added a track with some percussion. This is an etude that should just give you some independent 4 mallet ideas.

TOTM - Chops - Turn arounds

I just worked on this with a student. I wrote out some two five one progressions where the chords keep moving down.

Where chops come in is this: You practice this and work up speed. Play 2 5 1 6's in different keys. This would really help your chops!

I've attached the 'rough' pdf I made for the student.

General Vibes 101 Course - Lesson 4 - Rhythm Changes

VW Lesson
Rhythm Changes Oleo Exercises by Tony Miceli

Scales: Mixolydian and Lydian Dominant Scales, all 12 keys.
Tunes: Oleo, I Got Rhythm, Cottontail, Anthropology, Moose the Mooch, Wail.
Assignment: Pick a rhythm changes tune to learn. 1st chorus play the melody, 2nd chorus comp through changes using a mixture of open and close voicings.3rd chorus, improvise a solo.
Additional Material on Rhythm Changes;

Nr. 2 - Tune Of The Week - Alone Together

Hey Guys,

Tony inspired me with his crazy version of Alone Together, so I decided to take this tune as the next tune to study this week.

Remember, I'm trying to keep things going here and I hope you guys join in and record the tune. The deadline is next friday, so let's all post someting, ok?

I'm working on a play-along for you guys to record with and I hope to have it ready monday evening. In the meantime, check out the tune(hopefully by ear and not by realbook) and check out Tony's post(see check this out).