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Doubling up on the Right Hand

So Watch this video:

See all the double sticking. I think in order to play 4 mallets we need to study some of this technique. The thing about this technique is that the hands are separated a lot of the time. Ok, it's more then we want, but check out the polyrthyms and how he uses double stops to free up one hand and move it. The bass line for instance.

Udel Lesson No. 1 by Tony Miceli

Udel students. Here's your first assignment. Choose one of the lessons under check this out and do the assignment.

If you do the lesson 'getting to the four chord' give a few examples of getting there.
If you do the blues scale lesson make sure you do a couple choruses and make sure we can here each change.

Any questions post them here, and we will reply. (VW community feel free to help out)

Melodic Tonic and Harmonic Tonic

Went to a Stefon Harris Masterclass at Temple University tonight. Stefon is a very inspiring cat! I love his playing and his vibe. He has a lot of soul. I admire guys who might think with their head but they play with their heart, and that's Stefon.

He talked about Melodic and Harmonic Tonics. Who knows what they are?

I never used these words but have done things along these lines. However Stefon gave me a lot more ideas and a new to think about this.

Before I go into it, what do you guys know about it?

Open Closed Voicings

Here's a bunch of open closed lessons! This is the secret potion for good voice leading. If you practice the you know what out of this for a few years, your voicings will be hapening. (Practice means at least 5 of the 7 days of the week).

All The things You Are - Open and Closed Voicings…

Open and Closed Voicings - Video…