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TOTM - How Deep Is The Ocean - Online Lesson Assignment

For those of you who took the class today, thank you! Me and Behn are really trying to get some stuff going. I've been meeting with Behn and we've been brain storming.

Ok, Your assignment is two parts.

1.Tell us what you liked about the class, and if there's anything you think we could do to make it better.

2. Do one of the following:

  • Bass notes and melody to How Deep is the Ocean
  • Chord Melody to How Deep is the Ocean

Make sure your time is good, so play this as slow as you need to keep the time. That's very very important.

8WOB - Blue In Green - Closed Chord Study by Behn Gillece

Chinese Translation is for Chinese students


Donna Lee Etude

I've been working on some bebop heads and just using them to work on my left hand. My thought is, if that gets comfortable with smackin' down double stops, that that will help my four mallet playing and enable me to do some fun things over lines.

It's not a big deal, but it's something I think about and have fun with. It's as if you're playing a line that is primarily a single line and with your left hand you're slipping in double stops. I thought it would make me more fluid.