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TANGO ETUDE: Oblivion (A. Piazzolla) arranged by Giovanni Perin

Hi guys this month instead of technical or harmonic skill I'd like to share with you an arrangment of the great tune Oblivion.
There's a lot learn (also for me) in term of hands independence and phrasing.

Play the melody louder than the comping!! And try to be expressive cause tango is a really passionate music!... make sure to listen to a couple of original version of the tune in order to get the right mood.

have fun


Amazing Slow Downer or Transcribe

I've been transcribing parts of a Chick solo. What's great about these programs is that some of Chick's licks are hard to play. Now I can slow everything down and play the line and then work up the speed.

I thought that might be a great way for some of you guys to learn hard tunes like Donna Lee.

My keyboard is set up to send instructions to Amazing Slow Downer, so play the lick and then hit a key and it speeds up. That's how we practice anyway right? Play it slow and then a little faster and then faster until we have it up to tempo.

Incorporating Brubeck Ideas into your Solo Vibe Practice and Performance

Hey Vibeworkshop,
Im currently getting ready for my recital and one of the pieces that I am playing on my recital is a reduction, I'm currently working on, of the ever popular Strange Meadow Lark by Dave Brubeck. As I study the piece and boil down the transcription to an honest reduction I really started to see the genius of Brubeck's solo playing. So today I would like to break down all the techniques and ideas he used while playing the melody of the tune and how we can incorporate those ideas to other standards and ballads.