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Why Is It.....

We got a who is. Why not a 'Why Is It....' Series.

Things that are difficult and unexplainable... sort of.

At least from the perspective of the person posting.

My first 'Why Is It...' is:

Why is it so hard to play four mallets on a swing tune where the melody is in the upper octave.

I've been playing 'Long Ago and Far Away' for a while now. I'm in G and trying to voice nice chords underneath the melody which I'm playing in the upper octave.

ALSO the frickin melody starts on the root. That makes it ever tougher to voice.

There's the first why is!!!

What's All This Parrellel Talk that Joe Locke Started!

A quick note.

I love how something can start a train of thought. That's why to me communities are so important. And I love this vibe community.

Sounds like with Joe's exercise that there's a serious study in moving intervals in a parallel way. Next moving different intervals in parallel ways. Next moving things in parallel scale ways. Next moving things in approximate parallel ways making concessions for harmony.

8WOBallads - Blue In Green - Chord solo


Add the chords in. Study the voicings and then play the etude.

Then play it in another key and then another key. You will learn all about harmony doing it this way!

Chinese Translation is for Chinese students
當Tony post這種資源時,就是最好自己學習的時候,看你可以從這短短的幾小節,學到什麼東西。
