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Tom Harrell Lick I Love

This is a great lick. It really gives some insight about weaving and vocabulary.

Check out the bebop major scale coming down. What a natural evolution for the scale huh? It just smooths out the major scale!

I love how he gets to the 4 chord at the end.

I laugh when I play this lick.

I'm definitely on the side of learning licks to study and show you ways through changes. I'm definitely of the belief that it does NOT make you a cut and paste player unless you already were, and then that's another story.

Mozart to Coltrane's Giant Steps Part 3


Academic but still might be interesting to anyone studying Giant Steps.

Doc Chittum is a very loved faculty member at Uarts. He does a lecture each year where he ties Giant Steps all the way back to Mozart. The lecture is pretty amazing. This is a 4 part excerpt from the lecture. In the lecture he hands out music and shows this lineage that's really incredible!