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vibraman Sat, 07/12/2014 - 02:21


simply great! i love your touch and feel when you play solo vibes!

your smoke buddy

Patrice Sat, 07/12/2014 - 04:12

Very inspiring Dim ! Very inspiring ! And no doubt you make me thinking about my own solo playing through your beautiful play. There is some great stuff to pick it up here i tell you that !
Can i make a little comment ?
Actually 2 little things. IMHO

It's about form and style.
What i would do is SHORTEN THE FORM. Exposing the melody twice is too much for a slow ballad like this one in solo playing, and even if you get back into improvisation in the B section of the reexposition, there is kind of a drop of listener attention as soon as the whole melody is replayed. Very often in this context they just replay the last A melody.
The second thing is that the more you get into the tune the more relax and confident you become and the more you catch the listener interest (till the drop of melody replay ) so .... exposing the first melody with the same great feeling you get in improvising woudl be great i tell you that !
I know it's tuff ! huhu. Camera rowling and "one shot take" are very challenging to get right into the piece !
I think the challenge in solo playing is to catch and keep the listener attention from beginning to end.
And your'e very close to reach this point Dim. Verrrry close ! Bravo again

dimitris Sun, 07/13/2014 - 19:42

thanks guys for your comments! I think this is the hardest play solo in front of many cameras hahahahahaha.
Thanks a lot to Tony for doing this!


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