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Practice Club: Lesson 2 (week 2?)

I'm a week behind because I was out of town last week and didn't figure it was worthwhile to post a video of me playing on the towel. (see pic attached).

I put together a few different lessons here and then in the end, tried a little "play along" to bring some of the concepts together. It's a work in progress. haha. Meaning, this is all a little rough (understatement?) but that's what practicing is all about, right? :)

The lesson(s): A few of Behn's blues lessons. (Thanks Behn!) 3rds and 7ths, dominant lines, etc...I explain it all in the video.

For Tony!

Sometimes ya gotta just open the book and play whatever tune turns up. So that's what I did. No practicing, just play.
I've always loved this tune as a ballad. I'd never read through it before this (and it sorta sounds like it! haha). I did try to bring in some of what I've been working on recently though...

This is for you, Tony. Thank you for ALL you do for the us here at Vibesworkshop! You're the best...

Can You Do This? - Divide the Octave into 3 Parts

I've told this story a million times. So sorry if you heard it before.

When my 1st wife was pregnant she came home and said so many woman were pregnant at the save time. I said I bet it's not any more than usual however you are pregnant and now you're seeing all these other pregnant women. We got into a big fight!

The point is, sometimes just doing stuff will pay off later.

Practice dividing the octave up into 3 parts and don't worry about why. I can do it very easily and if you can't then you should so we both can do it, think about it and talk about it.

Conception: Chord Melody Practice

I saw Tony's email on Friday with a link to the music for this, so I decided to take a look at it last night. And shot this video this morning.

There's at least one wrong note, so I haven't earned the "free" skype lesson, yet...assuming no one else has posted this. Has someone? :)

It obviously helped a ton to write in the chord symbols (pic attached). Took it slowly to make sure I am learning it. Challenging!

Thanks for the inspiration, Tony. I have so much work to do. Onward!