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Mainieri's playing gave me the goose bumps and made me want to cry out in joy!

Elias, Erskine and Gomez sound great here too. Why wasn't I listening to this in 1983 instead of the Fat Boyz and Run-DMC? (LOL)!


Marie-Noëlle Fri, 01/22/2010 - 18:18

Man I have this DVD! Nearly had forgotten it!
Wow! I should have a look a it back one of these days!
- M

johndaly Fri, 01/22/2010 - 18:42

Man I have this dvd and its so good always a pleasure to watch such great players thanks for posting Dana


toddc Wed, 06/02/2010 - 10:56

I really loved Steps Ahead and wish I had friends who enjoyed it as well here in OKC.
The writing, the playing, everything was great...

Todd Canedy
Don't stop asking until you understand. Once you understand constantly confirm it.


What instruments does this pertain to?