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Check out David's new great duo!


Marvel Sun, 02/23/2014 - 02:20

Will there be anything coming out on disk? I'd love to hear a full piece. Appears to be a much different feel from Double Image.


David Friedman Sun, 02/23/2014 - 18:16

In reply to by Marvel

Yes, this is a project which is really exploring different ways of improvising, not only in a purely traditional "jazz" style. We're still in a somewhat experimental phase, touring and doing gigs, but it's a new concept and I think we'd like to play a bit longer together before we record. That in itself is a new concept, for me, at least.

Marvel Mon, 02/24/2014 - 02:43

In reply to by David Friedman

I'd love to see the two of you live.

I really liked the idea of improvising with the time. I think doing a rubato piece like that would risk being clunky in a trio, but could be very effective in the duo setting. As much as I love more traditional jazz, I feel like this liquidity of the tempo is just one of a few expressive tools it frequently lacks.

I hope it proves to be a fruitful exploration for the two of you. :)


Marie-Noëlle Tue, 02/25/2014 - 17:04

Can't wait to see/hear you again very soon!
You both sound magical together! :o)


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