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it aint necessarily so

unfortunatley this band does not exist anymore cause the singer moved away, too bad it was fun playing with that quartett and it was my first real band where i played vibes...this recording is about 4 years old but i found it today in my "archieves" and liked the arrangement cause of the odd meter and thought maybe you like it 2...

Why The Pros and Companies Should Keep a Weekly or Bi-weekly Blog.

Why The Pros and Companies Should Keep a Weekly or Bi-weekly Blog.

I was thinking, you know if every monday the pros on the site put out a blog about what they're up to and what they're thinking it could be a very cool thing. First you would get people checking in on you blog due date, reading and thinking about you. It's a place you could mention cds and workshops, what's happening, what you're practicing, etc.

Crazy Like Me by Lindsay Gilmour & The Organic Planet Band - My Folk Days 2

Here's another track from one of my most favorite bands. My alter ego.

Wow I bet Tarik posting his band singing Johnny Cash Tunes got me into this. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Now you might think this is corny, however if one of us got into a smoking famous commercial band playing something other than jazz it would do a lot of good for our instrument.

I liked playing in this band and taking the place of the other guitar and trying to fit into that role.

Slip Away Back by Tony Miceli & Lindsay Gilmour (My Folk Days)

By Lindsay Gilmour And The Organic Planet Band

You know one of my favorite bands I every played with was a folk band. I really miss it. It's kind of cool playing music that's a little more accepted. Did I say a little? A lot.

I love this tune and thought I'd post it. There's one on this CD where I play marimba! I'll post that also.

Free D minor groove

Since there seems to be some interest in spontaneous playing on the part of several "vibesworkshoppers" I thought I'd include the Generation Band's first live attempt at a free groove piece. It stays pretty much in D minor throughout. The challange is to create interest through interaction, melodic development and rhythmic interplay.

Dolphin Dance by Tony Miceli - duet

I'm working on Dolphin Dance with one of my online private students. I told him I'd do a duet with him. Here's the duet. I figured I'd put it up so anybody else who wants could mess around with it.

I'm not going for concert material here, just having a little fun. Otherwise I'd be there recording for days!

Below is the single part and the single part with a click track.