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For Nathan (And Everyone Else) - All Blues - For Members Also

I made this for my student Nathan, but I'd love to see who else wants to do this.

I play All Blues with an Aebersold recording. You play the melody and at the end. I solo first. You comp for me and I comp for you. Comp in the lower octave and solo in the middle and up high as much as you can. That way we will stay out of each others way a bit.

Blues Train - Everybody Please read.

Here's the plan:

Today is March 15th: Deadline is March 25th.

Play this track. Wear headphones when you record. Don't record the track.

Count off with the 2 bar intro. But count like this. 2,3,4,1,2. Make sure your counting is on. Then play 2 choruses of a blues solo audio or video.

Then send it to me. After March 25 I'll put it together with my backing tracks and make a video out of it.

If you are in, please put your name in the comments.

When you send me the file title it like this.

Berlin Blues -V

Since I have to stay home except for a bit of shopping and walks around the beautiful park in my neighborhood I decided to record something each day of Corona house arrest. I'm starting today. This is a blues with the left hand doing "four on the floor". Hope you like it.