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Blues - Solo Vibes

Having fun today in the basement of the percussion department at Berklee between classes playing a blues in C. Some of the vibe students and I have been working on this style of left hand accompaniment. It's fun and a challenge trying to keep the left hand going while focusing on the right hand improv using syncopation. It's a pleasure to be able to teach and interact with all of the very talented players here. For me, it's energizing.

Vibraphone bells and whistles

Midi and other bells and whistles on the vibraphone are a waste of time and energy (in my opinion). Here's why: Synthesizer keyboards are easier to play, better made and already available in many very sophisticated forms at very low prices. AND, they can express "synthetic music" better than a vibraphone trying to be something it isn’t. If you want to play synthesizer, spend a couple of years (or less) practicing a keyboard. You'll be far ahead at the game of synthetic sounds of music than you'll ever will by doing it on a vibraphone-shaped object emulating something else.