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Gong!!!! Who Came First Gong or Double Image?

HEY @DAVID! MADE YOU LOOK! DO YOU KNOW GONG? the second tune sounds like a double image tune! (a little bit). Did you know these guys?

Gong was a really cool fusion group. I just the leader died. I listened to them back in the late 70's.

It was a life lesson for me because I know on of the guitar players, I think, or the vibe player! I can't remember, I was too high back then. I think it was one of the guitar players. He had a strange name I think.

TOTM - Minority - The 9th Is the 13th (and we take it to the b9

Chinese translation for Chinese students.


自己創造出ii-v-i 小樂句(lick),是一個裡面有V dominent 13音的lick,
定下速度打,你可以從中學到很多,你也會記住minor9音, dominent 13音的聲音
例如F713b9: 組成音為A(3音), D(13音), Eb(7音), F#(b9音)


Our TOTM - Minority

As many of you know, I use tunes not only to have fun playing over but also to learn about harmony, work on chops and time. Why not, as improvisers we can make up an etude on the spot. And as you get better as an improviser you can make more complex etudes up.

Minority is a tune with tunnel vision. It's the study of one note and meaning depending on what is surrounding it. The 9th and the 13th. In a 2 5 they kind of blend together. And Minority is a great example of this.

TOTM - Minority - Put It Together and Play It

Chinese translation for Chinese students

Tony 演奏整首曲子。
唯一的Altered chord 在最後一個小節C7alt(C,Ab, E, C)。

2分38秒,Tony 演奏 C key.



TOTM - Minority - Add the Melody In for the First Part

Chinese translation for Chinese students

把我們上一堂課教的 I minor9 - ii minor9 - V dominant13b9,


Gminor9 (旋律是Gmajor音階)- Aminor9 -D13b9 - Gminor9 (旋律是五聲音階)


*Tony 演奏:
57秒, G key
1分16秒, F key

A phd Paper/Dissertation "The Creative Genius behind 'Bags' Groove"

I ran across the paper paper attached (2002) about Milt Jackson a couple days ago. It has some great examples of Milt's playing written out, as well as some dialog regarding his approach to soloing, and his musical career.

Is this already up on the site? Let me know if it is.
