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TOTM - Minority - Just Do This For Starters

Chinese translation for Chinese students.

Cminor9 - Dminor9 - G13b9 (F Ab B E)
Cminor9 - Dminor9b5 - G13b9
但是這首曲子比較特別,是接到2級minor9,而不是minor9b5 。

*5級和弦用到的是rootless 13 和弦,沒有根音(root)沒有五音(5th)。

Our New TOTM - Minority

I think we might have done this tune before. But I thought we should revisit it. It's perfect and no matter what level you are at, if you really study this tune a bit, you will learn quite a bit about harmony and what's happening.

It's a tune of 2 5's and that needs to be the basis of our studies. If you can navigate easily through two fives you are really on your way to get through harmony.

This tune is a study of Major two fives, even though it's a minor tune.

Here we go!

4-Mallet Pieces

Does anyone have recommendations for 4-mallet pieces of grad school level? Anything that's common in auditions or that's just good music? I'm working on a Bach cello suite that's nice for 2 mallets, but I'd like something that necessitates 4. Could be stuff written for vibes or anything else; I have no complaints with transposing, I'm actually playing the G cello suite in C to make better use of the vibes low range.