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February Recording Session

Hi All,

I went into the studio yesterday to record some tracks for an application I'm working on. The project was a little thrown together, but I think they turned out okay. I've been trying to put together some trio repertoire for about a year now. There are three tracks. Two are contrafacts I wrote and I play guitar on one of them (just for fun). I'd appreciate any feedback!


Green Dolphin Street - Improvising with Four Note Groupings

Improvising on Green Dolphin Street using the improv concept of Four Note Groupings which is a chapter in the just released The Complete Guide To Improvisation - Volume Two. The technique uses triads with a passing note as a means of generating lines. For major triads we can use 1,2,3 and 5. For minor triads we can use 1,2,b3 and 5 or 1,b3,4 and 5. In the clip, I'm playing the last 8 bars of the tune to set up the tune. The first chorus is a written out solo based on the Four Note Grouping concept.

New Trio Video

Hey Vibesworkshoppers!

Just put up a clip from a really fun trio gig I did here in NYC a few weeks back. I love playing vibes trio w just bass and drums and it was a treat to play with a really top rhythm section of Clarence Penn and Joe Martin.
Thanks for listening!