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"Our goals Beyond" (J.M.)

I envision this site as a platform for discussion, i.e. an exchange of opinions, sharing ideas verbal and musical and being open for giving and receiving suggestions and constructive criticism. After submitting my version of "You don't know what love is" I asked for comments about what I changed harmonically. I was really looking forward to some interesting feedback. I wanted, as I mentioned to Tarik, to go beyond personal taste, "I like this", I don't like this", etc. (Although sometimes I could handle a bit more of "I don't like this", in a constructive way, of course).

On Green Dolphin Street (C-Eb) solo version by Giovanni Perin (Transcribed)

Hi guys here's my new solo version of the TOTM. In jam session people play it in Eb or C and I was unsure about the key I wanted to play it so I decided to divide the head in C for the first half and Eb for the second half.
As always there's the pdf with the transcription of Head in, solo form head out and coda.

Hope you enjoy it.

Follow me on youtube and Fb and visiti my website!!

I'm also available for private lessons with skype or Facetime.

I was using "APInstrument" Mallets:

Let's Talk About My PASIC Improv Mallet Workshop

So I'm giving the Mallet Improv workshop this year at PASIC. And so I thought!!!

I would like to get you guys to chip in. Open source the talk!

So give me some tips you found valuable for learning improv. Some commentary? Advice? What should young mallet players work on? Think about? etc.

I will also refer to this post in the notes and make this available for everyone at PASIC