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TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - The Last Part

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street,我們現在要來討論...??你怎麼想這首曲子的曲式?A、B、A1、B1,把它想成是一半,這首曲子有四個部分對不對?歐!其實是三部分(~Music~),和這個部分(~Music~),然後又回到這個部分(~Music~),然後最後是這部分(~Music~),所以總共是三個部份,部分一、部分二、部分一、部份三。你知道常常大家會把曲子用羅馬數字或英文數字區分區塊,但我就是把它想成你做這個、做那個、做第一個再一次、做最後一部份,這就是我這樣想這首曲子的,而且這有行的通。

TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - End of First Half

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street,我們之前講的是在曲子的前半部,都是關於調式音階(Modal),第二部分,是很好的和弦二級接五級(II-V)的練習。主要也是因為和聲以小三度轉調進行(minor thirds)。第一部分的過門段(bridge)的和聲進行為(~Music~)Dm-G7-Cmaj7,然後Fm7(此為Cmaj7的上四度)-Bb7-Ebmaj7,然後回去C調。只要試這個部分,你可以循環演奏它(loop it)...Ya!只要試這個部分,然後這幾個和絃走完就好,不要走下去。把小部份東西循環演奏一直是個很好的練習方式,你再練的時候應該,開始,停下,開始,停下,這樣子你會真正學習曲子的每個部份。

TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - Modal Practice

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street和You Don't Know What Love Is。我們做了很多這兩首曲子的影片教學,我已經說過很多關於這首歌,所以我有可能重複說些東西,但這真的是一首很值得學習的曲子,以下有兩個原因,第一點是因為曲子的前半都是調式音階(Modal),曲子的另一半不是。但是其實所有東西都是調式,但是這首Green Dolphin Street 的前一半絕對是調式音階(~Music~)。

Wind Family, String Family, Percussion Family, Keyboard Family

I had a talk with Stefon Harris a while ago. I don't think I've talked about it here yet.

The argument is this: The piano is part of the percussion family but percussionists don't learn piano. The piano is in a performing way, NOT part of the percussion family at all. It requires a lot of dedicated and unrelated skill and has moved out of the percussion family. Not how it's made of course, or the mechanisms that make the sound but in a performance way.

TOTM - You Don't Know What Love Is - ETUDE by Tony Miceli

Listen, follow with the music. Write the chords in. Write what they are exactly. Write What they look like. For example, IT IS A C7#9 #5. However it looks like a Bb-7b5. It's not, but it looks like that. Understand?

Then play it. I would memorize it and then move the key at least once. That's how you learn harmony and voicings.

This is a 2 or 3 part series. (Have to decide). I'll add another chorus or two soon.