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Shop talk time!? Advice needed..

Hello all – I'm sure this topic is not very interesting for those who know that the musician makes the music, (for the most part) but I'm in a position to buy a second vibraphone...(I got approved for 0% – but don't want to go into hugh debt so the budget is tight) do not want to go past 4500 bucks – keeping that in mind.

Knowing that an instrument is a personal choice and most have limited budgets. I will be using this instrument for practice, (most of my practicing is on the second floor with a very tight stairway) special concerts and doing some personal recordings..


Hey Everyone,
Do you remember me badgering you for your birth years so I could include your names chronologically in a "poem"? Well, the book in which that will be published is ready for printing. It's called Free Verse and Photos in the Key of Jazz. There are 36 verses and all but one is made up of only jazz song titles, the shortest with four and the longest, "My Little Brown Book," with 73! The verse "Vibraphonissimo," breaks the mold as a list of 104 vibes players resting upon the two who pioneered the instrument.

Good Vibes Radio update November '15


Hi Everyone,
Here's the line-up for November:
Dave Hagedorn opens with "Friar Monk." Then it's Ted, Nick, David F, Dany, Jason, Milt, Hendrik, Doug and David B, Cecilia, Behn, Christian, Tom, Roy, Warren, Steve, Thomas, Mitch, Joe, Bryan, and Jim Hart closes with a sweet version of "The More I See You" from the Jazz For Babies vibraphone album. Whew!

Good Vibes on the Radio is on Facebook. Join me there.
best to you,

Gloria Krolak
Jersey Jazz, "On the Road" columnist
Monthly journal of the New Jersey Jazz Society
"The Club Car" column at

TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - Quick Tip

This is being translated to Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street,這集我只是要講個小東西,這首曲子的B段(~music~),然後走到Fm7(~music~),好!Fm7的五級(V)是什麼?C7對不對,或是F#( Tritone Substitute),所以放這些進去,如果你打Cmaj7,後面接個II-V到F#m7(~music~),聽這個!(~music~)ok!(~music~)只是個小撇步,放C7或F#7在Cmaj7後面,如果你聽到有人演奏很有趣的聲音在Cmaj7後面,那就是進下個和弦Fm7之前,接個屬和弦(Dominent Chord),並且你也能夠演奏三全音代理屬和弦(Tritone Substitute),所以我們有F#(~music~),聽起來不錯對不對!!(~music~)ok!希望這對你有幫助。這是個小撇步!

*三全音代理屬和弦(Tritone Substitute)

TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - The Last Part

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street,我們現在要來討論...??你怎麼想這首曲子的曲式?A、B、A1、B1,把它想成是一半,這首曲子有四個部分對不對?歐!其實是三部分(~Music~),和這個部分(~Music~),然後又回到這個部分(~Music~),然後最後是這部分(~Music~),所以總共是三個部份,部分一、部分二、部分一、部份三。你知道常常大家會把曲子用羅馬數字或英文數字區分區塊,但我就是把它想成你做這個、做那個、做第一個再一次、做最後一部份,這就是我這樣想這首曲子的,而且這有行的通。

TOTM - Green Dolphin Street - End of First Half

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street,我們之前講的是在曲子的前半部,都是關於調式音階(Modal),第二部分,是很好的和弦二級接五級(II-V)的練習。主要也是因為和聲以小三度轉調進行(minor thirds)。第一部分的過門段(bridge)的和聲進行為(~Music~)Dm-G7-Cmaj7,然後Fm7(此為Cmaj7的上四度)-Bb7-Ebmaj7,然後回去C調。只要試這個部分,你可以循環演奏它(loop it)...Ya!只要試這個部分,然後這幾個和絃走完就好,不要走下去。把小部份東西循環演奏一直是個很好的練習方式,你再練的時候應該,開始,停下,開始,停下,這樣子你會真正學習曲子的每個部份。