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Summertime - Solo Marimba

Solo marimba audioclip of George Gershwin's classic composition "Summertime" from a video shoot taped by the Vic Firth production team which took place at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Other songs recorded at the session were (on vibes) Autumn Leaves, Alone Together, Wave, Green Dolphin Street, (on marimba) Summertime, Topsy and (vibes/marimba) Take the A Train. Videoclips of these tracks will be released via the Vic Firth YouTube channel over the next few months.

Alone Together - solo vibraphone audioclip taped during Vic Firth videoshoot at Berklee

Solo vibraphone rendition of "Alone Together" taped during a Vic Firth videoshoot at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Other songs recorded at the session were (on vibes) Autumn Leaves, Wave, Green Dolphin Street, (on marimba) Topsy, Summertime and (on vibes/marimba) Take the A Train. Videoclips of the tracks will be released via the Vic Firth YouTube channel over the next few months.

Happy New Year and Best Wishes to everyone for 2015!