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Vibraphonist Jerry Shard

I've been talking to someone I met on facebook about her father Jerry Shard. He played trombone and vibes. One cool thing he did was record a tribute record to Adrian Rollini. So he must have known quite a big about Adrian. It would have been great to be able to talk to him! Here's the email his daughter sent and I'll Include photos and a video of him playing drums and trombone. I'm trying to get a recording of him playing vibes.


Mini Concert December 2014 by BarryK

Here is my Mini Concert that was recorded at Tony's house during the December 2014 vibe hang.
1. All the Things You Are.
2. Excerpts from "Let it Go" from the movie "Frozen".
3. An Etude I wrote for hand independence.…

[Edit: The above embedded video does not load. Please download the attached file. (Might take some time to download.)]
