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Danny Boy - Ed Saindon Solo Vibraphone

Hey guys, I just recorded this at home. I was inspired by David's brilliant version that he recorded on the Omega by Malletech. I thought it sounded gorgeous. I'm playing it here in Bb. I like how the melody plays out in that key. I wrote out a lead sheet with some possible harmonic variations that I was experimenting with in this version. The lead sheet can be viewed and downloaded from googledocs. The link is on the YT clip's description. Also, please check out the classic versions from Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett if you haven't already done so. Ed

Vibes/Bass duo gig on SoundCloud - Easy Living - Ed Saindon & Mark Carlsen

Guys, I just put up some clips on SoundCloud. The clips are from a recent gig with bassist Mark Carlsen. We do a lot of playing together at various Asian restaurants which is great. It keeps us playing. We always have fun playing and the hang is great. Family, friends and students usually come out for the night. We play a few sets and then sit down for some very good food. Anyways, here is a clip of Easy Living. Gustavo taped this and the recorder was a little close to the table but I think you can make out what we're playing.