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Working on a transcription of Cal Tjader's Tropicville

Cal Tjader is one of the vibraphone masters. His work can inspire others. I'm enjoying my little jump into his playing.

I'm working on a transcription of Cal Tjader's Tropicville from the album Latin Kick. If someone is familiar with this track could you take a look at my transcription. I think it's getting pretty close, but another set of eyes would be awesome. Cheers!


Whipping Post (Zappa Cover) - Dangerous Kitchen /w. T.Dosdogru

another piece from this concert originally written by the allman brothers, for those of you who are more into straight rock :)


p.s. if you like here´s the link to our homepage...german only unfortunatley. we could need some more comments in our guest book :)

Pound for a Brown (Zappa Cover) - Dangerous Kitchen /w. T. Dosdogru (Drums)


this is from my zappa cover band "dangerous kitchen" where i play drums "only" (unfortunatley)
i like the vibes solo of michael (founder of the band) a lot. i´m also pretty excited because we play at the Zappanale, a festival a whole week end with international zappa bands. hopefully i will meet there ex memebrs of frank´s groups like ed mann and ike willis, who will play there too.

the line up of this band is:

Holger Auer - vocals
Martin Lelgemann - keyboards
Jörg Eschrig - guitar
Daniel Neustadt - bass
Michael Koball - vibes & marimba, backing vocals

Forum Topic: What Led Zeppelin stole

Hi everyone,
This link to a YouTube video will set you wise to many of Led Zeppelin's biggest hits and from whom they stole them, without giving credit on their albums. I post this here because I know Tony has recorded "Kashmir" with The Jost Project on their new CD. Although "Kashmir" is not included on the video, this is labeled by its producer, Juan Carlos Hernandez, as Part I.

This one is part III which I just found and haven't watched yet.