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Chops challenge


1. ONE key per day.
2. you MUST run the board ascending/ descending >or< descending/ ascending at least 2 times per sequence. Lowest point o the instrument in that key to the highest point on that instrument in that key.
3. you MUST use a metronome, preferably set to 2 & 4. Slow to medium tempo.

1st time = 8th notes
2nd time = 8th note triplets
3rd time = 16th notes

8th notes using alternate sticking, doubles, paradiddles (that’s 3 times up & down!)

Mini Concert by Stefan vdb (nutcrackersuite,Christos' independance, bags groove)

I'm crazy I know. First thing : I feel like a beginning gladiator who just jumped in the arena of a profesional game. I'm going to get killed.

1 take recording-3 pieces
- theme from the nutcrackersuite
- Christos his excercise on independance
- bags groove

I make a lot of mistakes, (notes pedalling, dampening) mistakes I usually don't make when I practise these tunes on there own. But in this situation I make more mistakes.
The main thing I noticed listening to myself :" Oh my god I play fast, that's way to fast for me!!!"

Friedman Etude No. 8 by stefan vdb

Hey David,

(And everyone else of course).
Before I continue on working with this I need some feedback.
Maybe some things to know in advance :
this is the 1th time I did it without metronome.
This is the 1th time I recorded it.
There are wrong notes, some I did wrong for the 1th time, maybe under the stress of recording.
I need to work a lot more on it, but it would be great to receive now some feedback, perhaps I'm not aware of some things I'm doing with it now.

Thanks in advance everyone.

Weiss Guy

Steve Weiss is an old friend of mine. And I've bought quite a few sets of vibes from him over the years. I think he's done a lot for the percussion world by creating the largest percussion store in the world. He's a great, crazy guy that many of us percussionists, vibe players, marimba players around the world really appreciate. So I wrote a percussion piece and named it after him! He definitely is Weiss Guy!