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Forum Topic: Buying a Vibraphone

I'm looking to find someone who can give me advice on whether I should purchase a xylophone, marimba or vibraphone. Since I can't see and play them at any music store I know of in Charlotte, NC. I have searched online and looked at videos but that still doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy when it comes to spending thousands on an instrument.

Any suggestions? I have done a Google search and can't even find any teachers in Charlotte.

Back To Work!

After a too-long break, I finally got my vibes set up and ready to play tonight. Any time I'm away from the music I usually play harmonic minor stuff the first day back for some reason (what can I say, I love that sound). Tonight I jammed on e harmonic minor, and what came out actually had a cool groove, so I figured I'd share.

The groove can be played in any harmonic minor key, it's just:
-the tonic and third together (E and G in e harm)
-move down half a step to the #7 & 3rd (D# & F#)
-move to the 6th and root (C & E)
-move to the 5th and #7th (B & D#)

Slingerland/Deagan Vibes

Check out this Slingerland/Deagan vibraphone I found in the corner of my lesson room... It looks like it is in pretty good shape and it sounds very good. Motor is probably broken, but I have to fix the power cord first to find out.

Also check out the attachments.

Any of you guys seen one of these before? Any facts you want to share?

When Love Prevails (vibraphone piece for recital) by Rusty Burge

When Love Prevails by David Burge

My father composed this four movement work for vibraphone in 2003. The premier (video above) was done with dance (SanDiego Ballet) but the piece works very well as a solo offering. Each movement has its own character and draws from a variety of musical styles....avant garde, odd meter, lyrical, etc. The music is published by CF Peters. I have a better audio version and am happy to send the files if anyone is interested.

Nós Novo's 2nd annual Very Special Xmas Special tonight in NYC


Hi Folks:

My band, Nós Novo, is doing our 2nd Annual Very Special Xmas Special tonight at Cornelia Street Cafe at 9pm. One long set of jigs, reels, old songs, and a few carols, woven into our repertoire and sounding like us. $10 cover for one long set... should be great fun.

It's that time of year again; a time for the endlessly curious combination of ancient ritual and online shopping; cloves and cinnamon wafting through Walmart, trees brought inside and dressed up, Lady Gaga singing about the infant christ on tv.

Days of the Workshop

Let's focus on the TOTM's we've covered so far.

Let's also work on ways of building technique, solo playing, studying chords and all other topics you guys might have.

We'll start the day at about 10am and go till noon.
Then have lunch. Get back together at about 1:30 or 2. We'll go until about 4. Break for dinner. Come back for percussion ensemble at about 5:30. After percussion ensemble we'll hang and have a concert, or jam together.

Wupertal Workshop 2016

David Friedman, Tony Miceli Behn Gillece, Anthony Smith, Matthias Goebel and Paschal Schumacher are doing an international vibesworkshop in Wuppertal..
The workshop will take place from March 5 until the 9th 2014 at the Hochschule für Musik, Bewegung und Tanz in Wuppertal. That's 5 days of mallets from morning until night!!.

The Workshop Includes:

  • Classes Each Day
  • Ensembles
  • Bass Player
  • Vibraphones
  • Marimbas
  • Pianos
  • Practice Rooms
  • Concert Hall