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Using dead strokes for added clarity

Keeping lines sounding really clean and clear is tough with vibes. It's easy to let notes ring together and just as easy to let notes ring together that shouldn't be. We have 3 tools to control ringing - the pedal, mallet/hand dampening, and using dead strokes.

I use dead strokes all the time to keep my lines sounding as clean as possible. This video clip demonstrates one example of where using dead strokes can make your playing sound just a bit better. The better you become at listening for notes ringing that should'nt be the better your playing will sound.

Forum Topic: Most ergonomic grip?

Hello. I'm a newbie with a grip question.

I'm planning to purchase my first set of vibes in a few days and begin learning to play.

I've got pretty small hands and, after decades working at a computer keyboard, I have developed a tendency towards tendonitis in the fingers.

Plus, I have some weakness and lack of flexibility in my right thumb and right ring finger.

I'd like to try learning with 4 mallets first. That seems to offer greater musical possibilities. If that doesn't work out, I figure I can always fall back to using 2 mallets.
