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A Beautiful Theatre

I'm playing in a beautiful theatre tomorrow night here in Romania. I have a great band and am having a good time!

Here's a 360 degree photo, click and hold and move the image.

Double Image, first record

Hello everybody ! Check out this tune by David Friedman Called "Rodney's Dream of Fantasy and Self-Fullfilment"! This is from the Double Image first album. This group brought something quite new at this time. The construction theme with alternating elements of different tempo was rather innovative. The solos are great ! The vibraphone solo that play David Friedman is very well built. The phrasing at the beginning of the solo is beautifully legato then evolves with the rhythm section. I think this question depends of the quality of touch.

Good Vibes radio April update and 2 more March dates


Hello Vibrafans,
First - the March show is getting two more air dates, March 25 and 28. The usual Sun/Weds times. This program is honoring womankind. Men, don't feel left out. Your turn is coming in June.

April's show airs on Sunday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 4.