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Mic placement

Hi everyone,

This post is further to my shoutout earlier on...

I've just ordered a pair of SE1as on trial from SE-Electronics.
You can see them here:
They're pencil condensors - perhaps not the perfect mic, but a massive step up from the dynamics I've been using up until now.

I think they come with a stereo bar, so that you can put both mics on one stand, and separate them slightly.

Does anyone set their mics up like this when playing live? Does it work as well as placing them apart?

Delaware 2012

Yo guys. Just a heads up while we get some things together here!

Here is the registration for Delaware:

We are about to send about 1000 flyers out to schools around the country and we only have 20 spots and we've been filling them up the last few years. So I wanted to give VW members a head start.

The Delaware workshop looks like it's going to have myself, Friedman, Samuels and I'm working on Behn Gillece and Mike Pinto. In addition there are some heavy MalletKat players coming (names are coming) .

Forum Topic: Recommended marimba to pair with M48 vibes?

writing some music for marimba & vibes (in a small ensemble) - have eyes on a M48 (for all the good travel-light 'n quick reasons the wonderful GB cited - and also like the more mellow sounding Musser gold bars for that) -- now looking for rosewood marimba (at least 3 octaves, hopefully more) to buy for gigging, to be paired with the M48 player - any suggestions? & unfortunately can't say "price is no object" - merci, James