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PAS Article - How About This Ed?

I have a great idea for an article for PAS. What do you guys think?

The top 10 or 20 or 25 must have CDs for a vibe player. We would pick them and vote on them and write reviews on them. Every one who writes a short review would get credit.

But we'd have the must have CDs for young and up and coming vibe players.

just thinking out loud, what do you guys think?? And what do you think Ed?

Practicing Odd Times

I always thought that working on something harder than something else also helped making that other thing easier. I thought practicing in odd times would help me play in even times better. That was part of my motivation of learning odd times.

I think you should work out a few tunes and call them on gigs and try them out. Get used to playing in 5. I figured that playing 3 and 2 would help you're playing in three as well as playing in 5!

And odd times can be really fun and liberating. All of a sudden you're feeling comfortable in an odd time, that's a good feeling!

Off Topic - Sort Of - Your Body On Drugs

Since some of us probably play high a lot, I though this video might be interesting. I did a lot of drugs back in the day and played high a lot!

My favorite drug to play on was cocaine, but I did meth for a few years while I was in school. I also played on heroin. I had a lot of fun playing on heroin, but I kept getting fired off the gigs! So I was having fun and I thought I was playing great, but I probably I sucked!!

On cocaine I could practice and I could also hustle and get gigs really well. I had a lot of confidence!