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Forum Topic: soft cases for M55??

Hey out there..

have any of you ever heard of anyone making custom soft cases for an M55. If so, where, how, who, was it a good ideal. Gotta be cheaper then the Musser hard and heavy cases(M149). Since there is now basically no option for flight travel. Make em light and spongy and throw them in the car.

Any info greatly appreciated.




Texas Hoedown (1st attempt) by Tarik Dosdogru

hey everybody,

few weeks ago i heard this tune wonderful (and much much better than me) played on youtube. i was blown away by the composition of david and the performance of course too. to me it´s one of the best solo vibes pieces i ever heared and i immedeatley wanted to play this i ordred the notes and here i am about 2 weeks later really spending every free minute i had only on this piece (sorry tony no TOTM´S)

Come Together by Miceli, Jost & Macconnell

With Barry practicing pop tunes and Steve Shapiro posting a great rendition of a Hall and Oates tune, I thought I would post this. It's a new group that I recently put together. We're starting to rehearse and hopefully we'll get some gigs and do a CD.

I Love being in this setting, interpreting pop tunes, which after all is what the great American songbook is about! I like playing my pop tunes and trying to reinterpret them in some way even if it's minor. I like the sounds that are created in the tunes, I like the fact that sounds are VERY different from jazz standards.

Jenco Vibes Restoration early 1990's

Jenco vibes restoration circa 1991. Before and after. Unfortunately I did not take photos of the process itself, which, in hindsight, would have been worthwhile. It was quite a pile of rubble to begin with. I was fortunate to have all of the bars, even though at the time I didn't really know how many I was supposed to have. There was a pedal made from electrical conduit attached to a nylon cord. It was replaced with a nice looking bar made from one of those old, beige, Samsonite folding metal chairs (a stroke of genius) and a piece of oak. I found a small, high torque motor for the fans.

The Delaware workshop is filling up!

Just a heads up. If you're planning on coming to the Delaware workshop, it's starting to fill up. There was a lot of advertising outside of Vibesworkshop so between that and VW members it's inching it's way up there. If you're a VW member and want to attend, let me know and I'll hold a few spots for a couple weeks while you're getting your application in.