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Forum Topic: College?

I'm a junior in high school and I want to focus on playing jazz vibes in college. But iv heard there are a good amount of vibes players who studied something else in college... percussion, or piano, etc along with vibes. If I could do everything I wanted I'd just play vibes, but I also play drum set for five years on and of and I play a little piano and general percussion. It'd be great to hear some of advice from people, especially if you've been in a similar situation.


Forum Topic: Does anyone else think of the vibe as a "falsetto" voice?

I struggle daily with issues involving music and many of them are just typical mid-life things but one of them is that I realized late into my musical life that the vibraphone has a "falsetto-sounding" voice to me. Not only the physical range of the instrument but it's sound seems "falsetto" to me. If I were to choose another instrument, I'd pick one that has a range in the natural male voice range. Anyone else ever thought of that? Yeah... I know.. I think too much. But the vibe just sounds so...falsetto.