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East Coast Vibe Summit

Maybe we should tie in with our partners in the west? I think we could easily pull off an East Coast vibe summit. I could get us a place to play no sweat and get the band. We chip in for food and have a really nice hang.

What do you east coast people think??? I'm just going to need help organizing and setting it up.


Bill Evans!

soooo, tony and bill eavans are kind of similar in a way..
i watched just a video from tony talking about putting yourself in a box, and this interview of bill evans goes along with that idea. there's just so much to say about it, hopefully some people will have their own ideas on it.I think bill evans is one of the most interesting people to hear speak. it's pretty simple ideas, but said very well and clearly.

24 hours!

in my lesson we talked about approaching practicing for a little, and tony reminded me of a bill evans quote.

"It's better to practice one tune for 24 hours than it is to practice 24 tunes in an hour."

I'm guessing he didn't mean literally to spend 24 straight hours on a tune, but i'm on break, and i've got some free time... we've been working on fried bananas in our lessons, and so in the next few days i'm going to pick a day to wake up at 8 or so, and practice fried bananas for 24 hours, with some breaks for food.

My new book!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let all of you know that I have a new book out! It's titled "Sight-Reading Skills for the Mallet Percussionist" and it's published by K. Wylie Publications. For those of you who don't know me, I teach at multiple schools with students from 6th grade up through university. This is a project I've been working on a long time and it's finally finished.

I hope you will forgive the shameless plug, but I thought I'd let everyone know. Here's a link for it:

End of a Beautiful Friendship by Vid Jamnik

Finally, I'm posting the promised version of "Tony's Tune". :)
I'm very sorry for being late, but I had to practice marimba (2 mexican dances) a lot, just after the workshop.

It ended up almost like an etude for me, because I wanted to do certain things and this is still not the final version I think. The time is kind of shaky sometimes, I have to work on that, but I didn't want to do a rubato version. However, hope you like it.

And yes, Tony, I learned the lyrics. :)