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Interval Scales -V

Here are some exercises I was working on the other day. You can stick them into your improvs as vehicles to get from one point to another nicely and create a bit of excitement and change. The first one is one creates the dimished scale but the rest are quite different. I call them "interval scales". After you do them with the half step between each other interval, go back and replace the half step with a whole step, then again with a minor third, Fourth etc...

It's also good for ear training on intervals.
Hope you enjoy.

Interview w/ Gary: Report in Blue Note

Hi all people
for people like me that lives so far of ny this is a nice video about the week of gary at blue note , this is the good thing of internet
I can imagine how was soundind the band!!! Most to be incredible!!
The small portion in the video of the gary solo of “ I heard a rhapsody “ it is incredible
Smoking lines! The Tempo ,fluidity etc.
A nice gift for our ears

Thoughts After Yesterdays Rehearsal (Keep this between us)

Let's back up a couple days. I saw Burton play, the music was great. Gary was talking about how it was new music and making jokes about maybe making mistakes. Well if they did, it didn't matter. These are serious and heavy pros. I know what went on behind the scene to make this first night work, however I assumed Scott Colley, and Antonio and Julian came in with the music down. But I could be wrong. Although it sounded like they had it down.

Triste by Ed Saindon at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel

Triste is one of my favorite Jobim tunes. It's nice to see the reactions from Thomas and Billy in these vids since I don't see their faces when I'm playing. I was laughing at their reaction at the beginning of my solo. I'm playing a blues type lick over the first 8 bars of the solo. It looks like their saying, "what is he playing?, is he lost? etc. Then they have a sigh of relief at bar 9 when I resolve the motive to the C-7 chord.