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VW Etude No. 3 by Behn Gillece

Hey Everyone,

Tony asked me to do another etude with a Blue Bossa theme. You will find that this etude is loosely based on Blue Bossa, with a few alterations (some reharmization and interludes). Hopefully, this may give a few ideas for those who are working on the TOTM. I recorded a version of it, and the pdf is attached. Please fire away with any questions. Enjoy!


New (old) set of vibes

I just picked up this old set of Jenco vibes. I studied Marimba and a little bit of Vibes while in college as a percussion major. Gifford Howarth was my teacher. Anyway, I have always been a jazz drummer and a fanatic of jazz. In an effort to get better at vibes and not waste the four years I spent practicing mallets I found this puppy in the Upper East Side of New York and snatched it up.
As you can see it needs some TLC.

Forum Topic: My very first vibe gig second date: Isn't She Lovely

This is a recording from my first gig at Coffy's Cafe but second date there.
Coffy said we can play every Wednesday Evening so I took the gig.

I'm playing with a Bulgarian friend of mine Harry Tonchev on guitar. He's a young kid, is a total Bereli freak and plays great.
We had a guitar & drum duo for a while but had a hard time finding work for it. What a surprise... anyway ....

On this evening I forgot the music so we played by memory. (Wprk has been plastering me lately)

This is our attempt at Steve Wonder's tune "Isn't she Lovely".


My gig was cancelled tonight so I practiced all night. HOURS! You know I always say there are a few secret potions for getting good. One is study in all keys, two is to sing and 3 is now officially make time to practice. Time is the new secret potion for me! I always new it was important,and I ALWAYS put music first in my life, but now I've moved time on my secret potions list.