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Lick of the Week Sept. 20, 2010

What's great about this site is that a week can be a month or a year!!!

Check out this Parker lick. I thought it would be interesting for your guys to play it through the keys and learn from it. Very simple and to the point, but it weaves through the changes like Bach!

I won't tell you guys any more about it, why don't you figure stuff out and post it in the comments.

I'll give a free pair of my mallets to the first person who posts a record of them playing it without stopping and through all the keys.

With the great help from Tony Miceli, I am creating the very first of what my weekly blogs will be talking about! (by Angelo)

Angelo J. Vaglio, 93 years of age and still going on the vibes..............!

01. Started learning to play mandolin at age four and went to one of the first music studios at age 17 to study the guitar, (3 months lessons @ 25 cents each & $1.00 a month to rent the guitar). after 3 months of intensive practice (no radios or TV's that time), the teacher said that I had to start taking advanced studies because I had completed the studio's beginner' program, and with no available cash, had to quit the program, but I continued to practice always.

Forum Topic: Being versatile?

There's a piano player/producer at my school right now from puerto rico names eddie montilla. he's a graduate from the class of 1977. he'much more of a hip hop producer, but he just got me thinking. he says that everyone should listen to all types of music, even the genres you can't stand, because one day you might need that knowledge.


Next TOTM?

Ok we need to pick the next tune.

who should pick it? Me? You guys? should we vote?

You want an easy tune like Blue Bossa? Just to see all the parts at work? Miss Jones? invitation?

the thing about You Stepped Out Of A Dream is we have a duet with me and Dave and tracks for some play along. It is a Tune guys play a lot but it's not on the top 20! But Maybe top 50 or 75.
