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Why Is It.....

We got a who is. Why not a 'Why Is It....' Series.

Things that are difficult and unexplainable... sort of.

At least from the perspective of the person posting.

My first 'Why Is It...' is:

Why is it so hard to play four mallets on a swing tune where the melody is in the upper octave.

I've been playing 'Long Ago and Far Away' for a while now. I'm in G and trying to voice nice chords underneath the melody which I'm playing in the upper octave.

ALSO the frickin melody starts on the root. That makes it ever tougher to voice.

There's the first why is!!!

Untitled by the Harold E. Smith Quartet live

Harold's latest group is dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the Tibetan people, the beneficial work done by Tibetan Buddhist monks around the world, and to raise money for the Drepung Gomang Monastery. Five monks from the monastery are currently performing with us. They do traditional Tibetan Buddhist prayer and we do music in response to it. This recording is from last Friday night in Newark, Delaware.

Forum Topic: This just in from Kim Tucker

Montgomery County Community College will be presenting the legendary Bobby Hutcherson along with
Cedar Walton on October 9th at 8PM
in Science Center Theater, Morris Road and DeKalb Pike (Route 202).
Tickets are $25 for reserved seating $20 for seniors and $10 for
children under 12. People can call us at 215 641-6518 or go on line... at

The latest crop of new musical definitions

BANDSTAND: The area furthest away from an electrical outlet.
BIG BAND: Nowadays, an aggregation consisting of two musicians.
BROADWAY PIT JOB: A prison sentence disguised as a gig.
CABARET: A venue where singers do songs from shows that closed out of town.
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: God's way of telling you that you've practiced too much.
CATERER: A man whose hatred for musicians is unrivaled.
CHANTEUSE: A singer with an accent and no sense of time.
CLASSICAL COMPOSER: A man ahead of his time and behind in the rent.