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Video Is Fixed - Clear Your Cache' If You Still Have a Problem

Ok, if you still have a video problem, then clear your cache. I still had a problem after Travis (our computer tech) said it was fixed and Travis said to clear my cache and all worked.

Travis is a GREAT guy and really knows his stuff. So I'm grateful for his help.

Thanks for the subscribers who support the site, you helped us fix the problem!

Now we're going to do a major update on the site. That's the next huge project.

Forum Topic: Limerick People - Desert Island Question

Just so others can learn about you. Post a couple of your fav cds. I know some of you have done this in other spots on the site, but maybe it's a good idea to do it here. So people start getting a sense of you before we meet in person.

Any corny things like this that you guys think of, please post!

My top cds:

Coltrane and Milt
Gary Burton - Alone At Last
Bill Evans - Alone
Bill Evans and Tony Bennet (the first cd)
Milt - Quadrant
Philly Orchestra Playing the Rite of Spring

Of course this will change tomorrow

Forum Topic: Delaware People - Desert Island Question

Just so others can learn about you. Post a couple of your fav cds. I know some of you have done this in other spots on the site, but maybe it's a good idea to do it here. So people start getting a sense of you before we meet in person.

Any corny things like this that you guys think of, please post!

My top cds:

Coltrane and Milt
Gary Burton - Alone At Last
Bill Evans - Alone
Bill Evans and Tony Bennet (the first cd)
Milt - Quadrant
Philly Orchestra Playing the Rite of Spring

Of course this will change tomorrow

Forum Topic: Delaware Parking

As for parking, Harvey says:
If they are staying in the dorms, they can leave their cars for free in a lot near the dorms. If they want drive to the music bldg each day, they will have to pay to put it in the garage. Harvey