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A Jazz piece I wrote, please play! "It's Alright, It's Coo"

Hi everyone.

This is a minor blues tune I wrote called: "It's Alright, it's Coo"

I would love to put a recording of someone playing it either solo or with a group on my new website which will be running in a couple weeks.

Please try it out!

Intros are cool too! And you don't necessarly have to play the written coda, up to you.


Happy Birthday Tony - From Holger - "Nardis"

Hi Tony!
All the very best from your friends and supporters in Germany!
I attached a live recording from the 22nd of June, where I played a solo version of Nardis. I totally (!!!!!!!!!) dig your groove, timing and phrasing when you are playing solo! I hope your influence is (a bit) recognizable!
Keep up the perfect work!
Greeting from Holger
P.S.: The picture shows me and Florian Poser right after the performance!

Happy Birthday Tony - From Joe Porter - "Calabi Yau Space"

Thank you for this amazing website. I didn't play the vibes up until about 2years ago. At first it was a very big struggle. I then seen a video clip about a year later of Tony playing Summertime and Blue Bossa solo vibes. I made a choice to make vibraphone one of my main instruments of study. Below is a old second hand jenco vibraphone which i practice away from school on. The bars aren't graduated so some things are a lot more challenging specially note accuracy

I am planning to do a masters degree in vibraphone as a solo instrument a year from now.

Thank you tony,