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Forum Topic: Schedule for Ireland 2010

We will get together in the morning at about 9:30 until 12, then about 1 until 3 or 4.

We can probably work out practicing in the evening with John.

We'll have a bass player I think every day.

The catch is this: My plane comes in Sunday at noon. So let's plan on the workshop starting at 3, and then we'll do an evening workshop on Sunday. Cool? The rest of the time we'll start in the morning.

Forum Topic: Schedule for Delaware 2010

This could change, but at this point....

building opens at 8 so practice time
9:30 until 11:30 or 12. workshop
12 lunch -
1 DVD, cd listening
1:30 mallet KAT when mario is here. otherwise it's practice time and listening time
2:30 until 4:30 or 5 workshop (bass player 4pm some days)
then we'll break for dinner and practicing,
6 until 7:30, bass player, jam or informal concert, maybe one night, we play duos and then get others to come up and play duos with us.
then practicing until midnight

Interlude For A Rock Star by Tony Miceli

I was playing around this morning after I heard a melody on NPR and it turned into this. An etude. The important part of the etude is the middle part the solo part. I didn't solo too long because I got to do a bunch of stuff. You guys should stretch out on it a little more and turn it into something.

I started thinking about all rock guitarists shredding away and getting jealous and this came out. Can you imagine, the hair, the guitars, the chicks. What was I thinking of when I picked up 4 mallets.

The PDF is below.

My Punishment

I posted about transcribing some MJQ and hearing mistakes in the recording and feeling a little funny about it. This is one of my favorite groups, but I was complaining a little bit!

My punishment was that the video - 'Modern Jazz Quartet, Django. True Jazz Inovators in Their Best Filmed Performances' came today. I'm in the middle of it now, all black and white so far. Between that and the looks of them this must be early on. They sound SO good. Milt sounds beautiful! Thanks for putting me in my place Almighty!