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June 24 VW Blog!

Dana titled his blog with a date and I dig that. That means we can just title the blogs with the dates and talk about whatever! So great idea Dana.

Man I just made a John Adams radio station. You guys know him? I think he took the minimalist thing to a place that I really dig. I'm really into the music that that station plays.

Here's a link to the Pandora Station:

Don Canedy (my dad) playing drums at 80 years old and loving it.

This is my dad playing at 80 years old on 6/19/2010 in Oklahoma City.
I'm posting this because dad was the first president of the Percussive Arts Society and still loves all things percussion, percussive arts education, and how things have grown. He is extremely happy that I am playing vibes now.

He just retired as a community choir director and has not played drums in decades. But he was having a ball. They are playing "All of you" .

Forum Topic: Young Lions in Philly

Last night I played a jazz jam session at La Rose Club in Germantown, with my friend and drummer Rob Henderson. He has created a recurring seesion at La Rose that's been going on for several months now, blending the new and upcoming players, with us oldheads! I had the pleasure of playing with, and listening to some of the finest playing I've ever heard from several young pups (as my dad would call them), several under the age of 20, all of whom I'm old enough to be their father, maybe even grandfather!

Gino Vanneli Live - Can you recognize this vibist?


Vibist Les Blachut sent me this link on an amazing Gino Vanelli live tune. He thought I could recognize the vibist! Haha!! I had no idea!! :o)

I made a little search and found that on the corresponding album the percussionist's name was John J Mandel. But as I couldn't find any picture of him, I can't be sure if it's him there.

But I'm sure some of you will help me and asnwer the question for Les.


- M

PS: BTW, cooking vibes, huh? (starts around 5'35)