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Sugar Plum by Bill Evans

Dana and I have been talking about chordal playing. Listen to this. See if you can listen to it and see that conceptually the way Bill Evans is playing would totally lend itself to the vibes. Man he's got 10 fingers but he's not using all of them, he's just using a few of them. But he makes sure his line is cool and then adds.

Open House at the Delaware Workshop, August 5th 2010

Hey we're going to have an open house August 5th at the workshop at the University of Delaware. It will start at 2 and go untiil about 8 or 9. You can listen to a David Friedman workshop and then we'll have a little performance later in the evening after dinner.

Who wants to come and hang?

August 6th in the evening will be our final concert so we hope you can come or come back for that.

Ooops Dana was Right

I took down my Chi Chi study, because it's flawed!!!!

I just learned the head yesterday and threw the changes underneath that seemed to fit in my mind. but i should have listened to the whole thing, especially if i was going to do a lesson on it. Of course I've listened to it before but yesterday I was just moving quick. There are one set of changes for the head and a normal blues for the solo. I was basically right for the head. I still don't hear 7th's in the first Ab. And listening to Parker's solo and referencing the Omni book I would argue he doesn't either (more to come).

Chi Chi (head + Parker solo) by Dana Sudborough

I gave a lesson earlier today to my student Chris (who just joined the website!) on reading out of the Omni book. One of the things I was trying to get him to do was to keep going no matter what happens.

Tony's post on Chi Chi got me practicing that song.

What you hear is me trying to sight read the head and Parker's solo from the Omni book. My objective was to try and get through without dropping the time. I take a second run through it but my friend knocks on the door 3/4 of the way through my recording so I don't finish the second run through. C'est la vie!

Soul Eyes by Ted Wolff

Recently I purchased a Yamaha Pocketrak stereo audio recorder, and I am quite impressed with the sound quality. It makes CD quality recordings using standard 16 bit, 44.1 sampling rate. It also makes mp3s at what ever bitrate you want - 32, 64, 96, 128, etc. The unit is smaller than my TV remote, and has a nice pair of onboard mics positioned in an x-y setup. The unit only cost $180! 15 years ago I paid several thousand for gear that records no better than this tiny thing.

The Brain

Try this experiment. Next time you can't get something, or you're sort of getting it. Stop and come back to it in 10 or 15 minutes. In my practicing I usually get it right the first time. Maybe after that I'll start screwing it up, but I think my brain has had time to process the information and store it? Am I nuts? And then I come back and all is cool. After I do that a few times, I have the tune or lick or whatever down.

Something like that.