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Handbells With Mallets

I saw a handbell player this weekend at a local art fest. I saw she had mallets and asked for a demo. I didn't know that handbells could be played with mallets.

The thing that interested me was that they can ring out when they are laying down on the table. She showed me that under the cloth was a thick foam cushion. This allowed some ringing, but with some dampening to shorten the ring duration.


practice video

once in while i scan my pc for old files to delete. so i did today and found this practice video for the song nearness of you i recorded some time ago. i made nearly 10 takes of it. i watched this one and instead of deleting i liked it and thought to share it here. there is no theme because i just practiced the solo changes in a medium swing tempo.

Those French are nuts! - Part 1: The Recorder-Boot-Organ

In my town there is a special fiest for Children one week end per year. A giant firework on Friday night, all kinds of shows around the place, and in a park tons of games, sports, manual activities, actors in costums on stilts etc...

It's this week end a we are back from our little tour in the park. And there we saw a good dozen of amazing giant instruments, each one more nuts than its neighbour! (old saucepans as drums, weird huge wheel full of plastic bottle corks, other strange recycled percussions, etc...)

Vibe Hang June 19th - WHO'S IN?


OK, vibe hang! Who's playing? Next Saturday!!! 1pm.

I think we'll do the hang over at Mario's streaming site. Check back here, I'll have a link up.

The hang is here today It's at Mario's place.

Hey everybody I know the commercials suck on Livestream, I think we're going to move.


Michael Cane
Mario Diciuttis
Behn Gillece
Tony Miceli
Dana Sudborough