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7WOB - Groovin High - My Lessons

Here are my groovin High Lessons.

I've posted the main audio which contains Groovin High Melody and a Chord Study (2 separate pdfs)

Then you a quarter note solo (no audio) and a syncopated study in 3rds (pdf and audio).

If you're a beginner do the following:

  1. Play the melody, then follow it with the quarter note study and then take the melody out.
  2. Fill in the chords on the quarter note solo etude
  3. Post 2 recordings of Groovin high from Youtube that you like.

If you're intermediate:

7WOB - Scrapple From The Apple - My Lessons

Scrapple is cool tune mainly because it's a variation of rhythm changes. Instead of I VI II V for the first 4 bars, it's ii V and then the rest of rhythm changes.

Here are my assignments.

  1. 2 line studies and two chord studies. Do one of each (you pick).
  2. Play the melody in at least 2 keys (it's a great ii V study!) Fill in the chords on the studies.
  3. Play the tune solo, take a chorus, comp for a chorus and then take the tune out.